Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fabulous Aesthetics Brazillian Waxing deal on Groupon

It was a deal I got from Groupon for $18 and it did seem like a pretty good deal until two days after my waxing session.


I’m a frequent customer of Strip waxing, and because their treatments are slightly more costly (around $60-$70 per brazillian wax), I was looking around the market for other possibly cheaper alternative.

What better way to source for such than on Groupon where there’s lowered cost for trying things out? I zoomed in to about 5 tabs after the first filter of looking at their cost, package and fine prints. After my second filter of Googling for reviews, I ended up with just one tab open – Fabulous Aesthetics.

So there I was, doing my research. This dude said that it’s pretty good, and it did sound pretty good to me.
Read full review here: https://thepeningpengantin.wordpress.com/2013/12/11/wax-on-wax-off/

There weren’t much reviews around, so I had to take the leap of faith.

I made the purchase and gave the Bugis outlet a ring.

The person who picked up my call was friendly, and not at all judging when I said “I made a purchase on Groupon”. Her tone was warm and friendly and I really appreciated it.

So the appointment was made easily.

But finding the place wasn’t that easy.

After recruiting the help of my best friend, Google Map, I got to the place. It seemed a bit dubious, though.

Opposite to the exterior, the interior of the place was very lovely and cosy. It did feel like a cosy and lovely little beauty salon, not extravagantly commercialized.

I was asked to wait for about 15 min before I had my treatment. I kept myself entertained (and amused) with a brochure of its other treatments.

True to the review, they did ask me to wash up first. They offered me a towel and brought me to a washroom. Now, this is new. I washed up with hot water (while standing at a very awkward angle because I couldn’t remove the shower head) and wore back my clothes before walking over to my treatment room.

The Treatment

It’s bullshit. It hurt like crap because the lady was waxing the same place repeatedly. I swear it felt absolutely raw and the slightly touch would make me cringe.

I might not have a lot of experience doing brazillian wax, but I do know enough that you aren’t supposed to wax the same area 5-7 times (exclusive of cleaning up, which means one more wax). It’s either that the lady had pretty bad skills, or that the wax was of a lower quality. 

The best part, throughout the entire process, the lady was telling me about her IPL experience and how I should do IPL too. Yep, you’ve guessed it, hardselling 101. After I was done with the procedure (all I wanted to do was to get the hell out), she then asked me if I wanted to try IPL.

Being a sucker for the possibly free and painless IPL session, I said “okay”, and she ran out enthusiastically, as if I just said "I do" to her wedding proposal. That’s the moment I guessed that I actually have to pay for a trial that might actually hurt me more and might not work at all.


I’ve always done my own cleaning up when I did waxing with Strip and I expected no less from Fabulous Aesthetics too. (From the amount of pain and the tenacity that she was waxing, I did hope that all the pain was worth it and that I don't have to do any cleaning up…)

NO. I was wrong. So fucking wrong. The amount of cleaning up I had to do was more than what I had to do when I patronized Strip. To make matters worse, I actually grew pimples - a problem I seldom have when I used Strip.

FYI, when you wax, you open your pores because you remove the hair from its roots. When you over-wax, your remove the protective layer of your skin and your skin gets injured. When you wax and over-wax, you grow pimples because your poor skin is so injured and inflamed at the same time.

Thanks so much Fabulous Aesthetics.

Note: this is not an advertisement. Neither company paid me or not paid me for this review. This is a review done after my painful experience, filled with sweat, blood and pimples. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Restaurant Story 2's glitch

Restaurant Story 2 has a massive glitch since 2 days ago.

Viola, I've just started on this game and this happened. Many players have chosen to temporarily quit the game. TeamLava has promised that the game "will be better" after one week.

Many ingredients have gone missing, and my pantry shrank to a pathetic 40 instead of 60. Sugar now takes 2 hours to arrive instead of 15 minutes and my carts can only carry 1-2 items instead of 4.

Best part is most dishes now require more ingredients to cook. This means that we will need more time to purchase the items in order to cook the dishes.

Anyway, this was what I managed to compile before the game glitched.

Those cells highlighted in blue are those that I cook often. The one in yellow is the one that I'm lacking in. (I've since cooked many cheesecake after the glitch, but EXP for the dishes have all changed... sigh)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Restaurant Story 2

I've just started this game yesterday. And I'm level 13 now! :) (No, I insist that I'm not addicted...just curious.)

Realising that it's a new game and there are no tips whatsoever on this game, I'm gonna try writing some.

How to earn experience points?

First off, I would like to clarify that customers coming into your restaurant does not give you any experience points. Yup, you've heard me correct. Next, neither does does buying items or decoration or any sort awards you with experience points.

So here comes the question, then how do you earn experience points?

You can earn it by:

  1. Completing the quests given. Look at the top right of your screen for the face of a lady. Clicking on her will land you to the quest page. Complete the mentioned quests for bonus experience. Eg, Quest Fixer Upper will require me to "restore the veggie market" and it awards me with +250 coins and +8 EXP.
  2. Cooking items. General rule of thumb is the longer the item takes to cook, the more the EXP awarded. You will receive your EXP when the item finishes cooking.
  3. Visiting your neighbours.

How to earn coins?

  1. Turn on the game and let it run. For the same period of time, say an hour, letting it run actually reaps you maybe 100 times of what you'll earn than if you were to exit app. Just let it run and you can do your stuff.
  2. DIY the drinks for your customers. Each time you give your customers drinks, they will tip you. Tips run from 2 to even 110 coins (that's the highest I've seen thus far).
  3. Completing the quests given. Completing quests will award you with coins.
  4. Cooking items. Cooking items will earn you money when the item has finished cooking and when the customers have finished eating.
  5. Visiting your neighbours.

Random tips

  1. Always utilise the Butcher to the best you can. Cream takes 20 min to stock up, and Beef takes an hour.
  2. Upgrade your butcher. Many recipes for Conventional Oven uses Cream. Thus, it would be advisable for you to upgrade it so that it can carry more items per basket.
  3. Cook recipes that requires the least ingredients but takes the longest time. This ensures that you'll need to do minimal shopping.
  4. For recipes that you always cook, keep a stock of the ingredients needed.
  5. Keep your warehouse busy. Make it stock up nails (every 10 min) or wooden planks (5 hours) or blueprints (12 hours). Make an order for blueprint before you sleep and an order for wooden plank while you go off for work. Those items are required for building shops / upgrading shops / upgrading your restaurant / upgrading pantry.
  6. Upgrade your pantry. The larger space you have, the more items you can stock up.
  7. Purchase one kind of grocery at a time. Buying 1 pasta takes you 2 minutes and buying 3 pastas cost you 2 minutes, too. However, if you buy pasta and cheese in the same basket, it's gonna cost you 3 minutes instead (2 minutes for pasta and 1 minute for cheese).
  8. The more ovens / stoves you have, the better. I have 2 diner stoves. andI normally use one to cook something slow (eg, 6 hours) and another to cook something fast (eg 1 hour). The amount of time it takes to cook the dish = the amount of time the dish will last when it's cooked.
  9. Your customers and staff need space to walk. Yes, they need one square's worth of space. So there isn't an empty square that leads to your chair directly, be assured that nobody will be sitting on it and it won't land you coins.
  10. Have a dish that takes longer preparing time cooking at all times. Having one 6-hour dish at the counter (ie, your restaurant only sells 1 type of dish) and having one 6-hour dish and another 10-min dish (ie, your restaurant sells 2 types of dishes) essentially last you for the same amount of time. Ie, the rate of your dishes diminishing is the same regardless of how many different types of dishes you sell. The only reason why you should cook more dishes is that they give you more coins.

Food for thoughts

I've got no idea for the questions below. 
  1. Does the number of tables and chairs / star rating affect the rate that you're earning coins?
  2. Does having more dishes prepared by the counter means more coins / customers since the rate of diminishing is the same? 


It's a rather participative game that requires you to switch the game on and allow it to run if you wanna earn some coins. If you're looking for a game that is less participative, ie, you can actually turn the game on and earn some game coins, then this isn't the game for you. Otherwise, it's quite fun, with the option for you to customise your restaurant. Hateful part of it is that there is a lot of waiting time, EXP is tough to earn, and that if you want matching furnitures, you'll have to spend gems on buying either that chair or that table. Also, the gem beside every single waiting time annoys the hell out of me.;I almost always press it by accident when in fact, I wanted to press the item next to it.